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// Technical Upstream Services

Environmental Analysis Consultants

To preserve the natural environment and its eco-systems, assessments on land, sea and air can be performed.

Syntillica offers expertise in assessment of the environmental impact of energy-sector projects with a range of capabilities and uses in Exploration, Appraisal, Development, Production and Decommissioning Projects.

Analysis of regulatory compliance manuals both from governments and clients can be carried out to ensure agreement on safe operations conducted with the environment in mind.

Our Expertise

// Industry Experience

Environmental Engineering Consultant

Industry Experience
  • Principal level Environmental Consultant
  •  20 years of industrial experience
  • A versatile environmental professional with over 20 years’ work experience in the UK and internationally.
  • A strong and dedicated team leader with extensive experience in both the public and private sectors, with sound consulting, project management, leadership, marketing and networking skills.
  • Technical experience includes EIA/ESIA project management for, inter alia, infrastructure, industrial, transport, mining, renewable energy generation, and urban regeneration developments.
  • Has led and completed work on environmental inputs into the UK’s independent Hendry Review on tidal lagoons, national aviation expansion options, acted as EIA manager for and has experience of a range of consenting regimes in the UK, including projects that have gone to public inquiry.
  • She has led and facilitated technical workshops, managing projects and liaising with clients and stakeholders with a key focus being balancing client requirements with legal compliance.
  • Worked internationally on projects that require compliance with IFC Performance Standards and the Equator Principles.
  •  MSc in Environmental Protection, BSc (Hons) in Environmental Science
  • Example work: Various UK Government Departments, Rio Tinto, Port of London Authority, AECOM and international consultancies.
  • Software:  Various 
  • ERP00154
// Industry Experience

Environmental Engineering Consultant

Industry Experience
  • Principal level consultant Environmental Engineer
  •  24 years of industrial experience
  • Ensure HSE requirements are met in projects
  • Audits and Permits
  • Coordinate the environmental and regulatory requirements between stakeholders
  • Arrange and participate in public consultations
  • Ensure all ESIA requirements are implemented
  • Analysis of environmental manuals
  • Compliance with governmental requirements
  • Reporting, registrations, monitoring
  • Pre FEED, FEED
  •  B.Sc. Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Environmental Technology
  • Example work: Aker UK, Bechtel, BP,  Foster Wheeler, Jordanian PRC, Shell, Worley Parsons and international consultancies.
  • Software:  Air Dispersion Modelling, PI-e2 Forecaster, Optimisation softwares, Pinch Technology for Industrial Plants, Scanjour Databases
  • ERP00078

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