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// Technical Upstream Services

Production Chemistry Consultants

Production Chemistry seeks to protect business value by fully understanding the fluids we process, from reservoir to point of sale. Well and pipeline blockages, corrosion, reservoir souring, poor oil-water separation and contaminants such as mercury and arsenic are all examples of production chemistry issues that can threaten the viability of an asset.

Production chemists seek to collect the best possible fluid data during appraisal, use it to identify potential issues, and then ensure these issues are accounted for in reservoir management, facilities design and operating philosophy.

Our Expertise

// Industry Experience

Production Chemistry Advisor

Industry Experience
  • Principal level consultant
  • 23 years oil industry experience
  • Formerly Discipline Head and Subject Matter Expert for International E&P Company
  • International experience in upstream Oil & Gas with working experience in 17 countries
  • Strong technical knowledge of core Production Chemistry and Flow Assurance issues: scale, wax, hydrates, asphaltenes, emulsions, contaminants, microbiology
  • Broad operational experience, eg. well stimulation, pigging, sand management, water treatment
  • Accomplished trainer and mentor
  •  BSc (Hons) Chemistry
  • Example work: BG Group, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Maxol Solutions, Oil Plus.
  • Software: Multiflash, ScaleChem, PVTSim, UniSim
  • ERP00085

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